Monday, November 2, 2009

Message from Andrea - November 2, 2009

Our family really appreciates the prayers, cards and good wishes from you. They just make our day! Julian received a couple of fun care packages last week and his eyes lit up when the mailman delivered them. It makes him so happy and really helps him move past the many visits he often has to make to the clinic and infusion center. Like last week: he had IV infusions on three separate days. Monday, an IV antibiotic, Tuesday, whole blood, and Friday, another IV antibiotic. He was doing great the first half of the week, but by Wednesday night he had some kind of bug. Threw up throughout the night, felt warm, but never had a fever. Thursday night and Friday morning, same thing but this time he did have a fever. Thankfully, he could go to OPI (Outpatient Infusion Center) and he spent half the day there connected to an IV pole with a very effective antibiotic. Since he never spiked a fever the while we were in OPI, he was able to go home that afternoon. He was so glad that it was still daylight (he can't tell in the room we are usually in) so he could ride bikes with Nolan in the afternoon. His white blood cells are coming back up so has at least he has some fighting power against infection and the rest of his counts are looking better, too. He was pretty tired this past week and we had to cancel his visit with his school teacher twice, but he did well last Friday and was getting very excited about Halloween the next day. He definitely has made the most out of his skeleton costume because he would put it on to scare the neighbor girls just about each night (yes, he mustered enough energy do to that as much as possible!). On Halloween, he was so excited to go trick or treating, but was content to go home after just three houses. Since our last update, his hair has fallen off again. Julian goes in for another round of chemo this Friday and his MRI is scheduled for Nov. 19. Thank you in advance for your prayers for him: that the chemo would not make him too sick and that it would not damage his hearing any further, and that the MRI will come back clear. Thank you so much for your prayers and your encouragement. We love you! -- Rich and Andrea(PS: There are some newer photos now on the Photo Gallery)

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